After years of my on and off struggle with anxiety and depression, times of feeling super stuck, painful relationship issues, parenting difficulties, and various other griefs and trauma which are all part of everyday life, I know just how frustrating and excruciating it is to feel like we keep repeating the same old unenjoyable patterns and experiences.

In fact, depression propelled me decades ago to buy my first meditation book when I was nineteen years old.

Since then I have dedicated the good part of thirty years studying and working with different methods and practices in Natural Therapies, Yoga, Healing, Meditation, and Personal Growth. I have been digging deep to find solutions to this suffering.

And do you know what I have found?

That sometimes even all the good things we are told we need to do for ourselves like, stretching, exercise, meditation, positive thinking, and eating well don’t get right down to the core of the problems.

And that trauma from our past, even the sort we didn’t know we had, is held in the body and shows up as these painful symptoms literally crying out for our help.

And that healing from our past is a long term game. And transformation doesn’t often happen overnight.

And that we also have an incredible capacity to heal, grow, and create fresh experiences for ourselves in ways that are very magical.

And I have found the Inner Resource Practice (and the iREST Yoga Nidra protocol) to be one of these very incredible tools that can help us in all aspects of our life. I am regularly amazed at the power of such a delicate and beautiful practice.

It brings acceptance into the moment of suffering, helps us heal and resolve issues from our past, and brings us to the essence of who we are, as a magical presence of possibility. Helping us develop the courage to step forward into life in alignment with our heart.

It also doesn’t take hours of sitting in meditation and you don’t need a yoga mat and you can be a raw beginner or a seasoned yogi. You just need to learn how to get in contact with your Personal Inner Resource which is what I would love to show you how to do in this workshop on Sunday.

I find this one so easy to bring into everyday life.

Your personal Inner Resource is something you can learn to tap into when you are in the storm’s eye of painful experiences like stress, anxiety, hurt, depression, or for example that dreaded feeling of being stuck or helpless.

So you can experience some relief from the intensity of big feelings.

Relaxation when you feel stressed, and clarity when you feel confused and freedom when you feel stuck.

If you would like to develop your Personal Inner Resource of Wellbeing, Stability and Loving Presence I would love to show you how.

Here is everything you need to know about this mini training.

?WHEN: Sunday via zoom at 9.30 -11.30 am Australian Central Time

?WHERE: In your home via zoom

With meditations, visualisations and journaling exercises I will lead you step by step into discussion, inquiry and, development of your Personal Inner Resource.
You will then receive a half-hour iREST yoga Nidra Meditation where you will get a chance to practice using your Inner Resource plus experience the relaxation and healing properties of the full iREST practice.

?BRING A note pad and pen. Wear comfy clothes and have somewhere really comfortable to lie down and relax for the later part of the workshop.

?COST: Rather than the regular price of $35, because this is just the second time I am going online this time it is just $17

?PLUS: if you show up and do not find you have received great value from the experience I am happy to give a refund rather than you be dissappointed.

When you click this link below you will be taken to my ONLINE ACUITY Scheduling Page.
There enter your name, email and time zone. Then enter your payment which is via the secure Stripe Portal.
Once your payment has been processed you will be sent a confirmation email with the zoom link to our meeting.
If you do not have zoom downloaded, this will occur once you have clicked on the link. Give yourself extra time if it is an unfamiliar territory.

?Here is the link:
If you have any troubles you can contact me.

Please note that healing and resolution of trauma and painful feelings takes time. The Inner Resource Practice is just one of a number of essential tools and resources I believe we all need to have in order to release from the past and move on in our life. The Inner Resource Practice also doesn’t make unhealthy situations and choices better. However., in conjunction with other valuable healing practices including private sessions with a good therapist, it can help you get the clarity to make positive decisions and the courage to take action.

Much Love Rebecca

Here is that link again ?