Somatic PsychoTherapy
Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy helps you heal with the wisdom of the body. It is gentle and powerful. And requires a genuine curiosity to find out more about yourself. We meet together in the spirit of kindness and self-study. So you can start to understand why you feel the way you do, and why you keep repeating the same painful patterns.
If this work is right for you, there are many benefits to exploring yourself in this way.
I aim to support you with loving presence, kindness and acceptance. I trust in the wisdom of your body, heart and psyche. I will listen to your fears and validate your tears as well as hold a flame of trust in your goals, hopes and dreams.

Short Term Counselling
Short term counselling can be suitable if you have a big decision to make, or going through a challenging set of circumstances.
As a general rule of thumb, five to six sessions is considered a good place to start.
This short spurt of connection may be all you need for changes to happen.
Although some clients find after a few sessions that they want to work on more painful, repeating mental, emotional and relational patterns. This requires a longer commitment to create the container of safety needed for healing.

Ongoing Long Term Therapy
When it comes to therapy, everyones needs and intentions are different.
Depending on your situation you may find ongoing weekly sessions for several months to a year or longer to be the level of support you require.
If you working with trauma healing, I suggest spacing your sessions no longer than two weeks apart.
Over time, you will be naturally willing to go for longer stretches without sessions.
Then you might just want an occasional appointment for extra support when you need it.

In person and online sessions
My psychotherapy and counselling services can be accessed through online zoom sessions or at my consulting room in Fulham, Adelaide.
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Psychotherapy and Spiritual inquiry
If you have a strong spiritual practice, somatic Psychotherapy can help you access your deepest nature in different ways to yoga and meditation.
Sometimes our spiritual practice can keep us stuck. Without realising we can bypass important internal material, such is the nuanced way of this work.
These sessions are suitable for practitioners of yoga and meditation who are interested in embodiment and spiritual awakening.
This is a process of learning about yourself, your shadow parts and bringing all that you are into the light of awareness. Integration, centredness and being on track with your deepest intentions will be the likely outcomes of your comittment to this process.

What are your blocks?
If you have been sitting in meditation for some time or just beginning to meditate you might notice repetitive thought patterns, beliefs and familiar physical sensations and emotions passing through your experience. In a spiritual inquiry session, you can choose to explore, in more depth, something difficult that keeps showing up in your practice.

transforming to essence
In spiritual inquiry, we begin to loosen our identity with the structures of mind in a way that welcomes all parts of
When we stay with our struggles and shadow parts a beautiful transformation happens and our essence is revealed and experienced as being the truth.
Spiritual Inquiry Sessions can be arranged online via Skype, face time or phone call.
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Parenting support
I am a mother of a nine year old. I passionately practice a style of parenting steeped in loving presence and connection. It is also a journey of healing our own childhood (and current) pains as way of moving through challenging times with our children.

Parenting can be so hard
I know just how hard parenting can be sometimes. We can get so bogged down with difficult behaviours in our children, sleeping issues and challenging decisions that we begin to lose sense of our values and parent in ways in conflict with who we really are. Then our children tend to go off the rails even more and we end up in a painful cycle that can be hard to shift without help.

Honouring you as a parent
In this type of session I focus on supporting and honouring you as a parent. Here you can bring forward the particular issue and explore it in a place of love and acceptance. If, as often is the case, there are a number of issues with your child/children then these sessions can initially help you tease apart the different things going on so that you can begin to make sense of the troubles one by one.

when we process our stuff our chldren improve
Once we process feelings triggered by our
My parenting support can be arranged online via Skype, face time or phone call.
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