Relieve your suffering with compassionate self discovery

Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy & Counselling

Adelaide & Online

Rebecca Richards Psychotherapist and Counsellor

My name is Rebecca, and I gently welcome all parts of you here.

If you are suffering from mental and emotional overwhelm, painful relationship or dating patterns, grief and loss or even finding it hard to pin point why you are feeling unhappy or stressed, you don’t have to suffer in silence anymore.

Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy is a holistic approach to counselling that can help you understand why you feel this way, help you connect with your true self and heal your mental and emotional pain at a deep core level.

Therapy influenced by: Internal Family Systems, Hakomi and Irest Yoga Nidra

My work blends spiritual practices like mindfulness and self-compassion with trauma informed understandings about childhood attachment and neuroscience. My work is  influenced by Internal Family Systems Therapy, Hakomi Somatic Psychotherapy and Irest Yoga Nidra.

My role as a therapist and guide is someone who walks with you on your life path with deep trust in the wisdom of your soul’s unfolding.

With the skill of attunement and loving presence, I support you to improve your life from the inside out.  I show you healing tools and practices that can help you navigate really difficult life circumstances in ways that are growth oriented and compassionate.

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Relationships & Dating

  • Separations & Divorce
  • Heartbreak recovery
  • Attachment wounds
  • Healing painful, unhealthy relationship & dating patterns.
  • Narcissistic recovery

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

  • Self- Doubt
  • Confidence Issues
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Lack of purpose
  • Loneliness
  • Harsh inner critic

Parenting Difficulties

  • Challenging behaviours in younger children
  • Parenting overwhelm & Powerlessness
  • Relational difficulties with older children.

Improving Your Life

Feeling stuck in a rut. Overwhelmed. Uncertain about how to move forward.

Grief, Loss, and End of Life Guidance

  • Working with painful emotions
  • Emptiness, regrets, anger.
  • Finding refuge in your spiritual nature.

Healing family of  Origin Developmental Wounds.

I work on the premise that many problems and repetitive relational, mental, and emotional patterns causing suffering as adults stem from disruptions to our full development at different stages in childhood. As we access and heal the hurt of our past, we reunite with the lost qualities of our true self. We mature and develop capacities that help us actualise our potential.

Ease, wellbeing, joy, clarity, true power, inner confidence become more our natural state.

And relationships become more mature and harmonious.

Committed Inner work supported with Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy can show you how to: Develop a receptive, grounded, spiritual orientation to life that helps you welcome all your experiences and leads you home to truth and peace  even through the most challenging times.

Develop a kind and loving relationship with hurt, young parts of your self,  This inner work, in turn returns your whole body/mind system to inner harmony and peace.

Develop a gentle perspective toward painful feelings so you can release emotions, move through stuck places of grief, sadness, and disappointment and let go.

Dis-identify from cultural and family of origin conditioning and the resulting untrue beliefs about yourself so you can integrate the deeper truths about who you are and grow your confidence from the inside out.

Improve your relationships. As you repair your relationship with your inner life, you improve your ability to communicate authentically, break out of outdated relational patterns and develop the skills to have more satisfying, healthy connections with others.

Heal at the deepest level and awaken to your spiritual nature, which is always whole, complete, easeful, wise, and loving.

Would you like to find out if we are a match?

The guidance and therapeutic process I offer is my soul work.

Everyone’s process of healing and unfolding is unique and mysterious.

The natural connection and resonance between us are essential to therapeutic potency.

For this reason,  if you are uncertain about booking your first full therapy session ($140 for 65 minutes) I invite you to book a $33 twenty five minute introductory chat with me. This gives you a chance to share a little about yourself, ask questions and sense if me and my approach feels right for you.

It is imperative that you feel safe and confident with the therapist you choose.

With love


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Body wisdom

It is likely you have already been trying hard to solve the pain points in your life in many ways.

Somatic Psychotherapy and counselling is different from trying to solve our problems through talking about them.

Instead, this is therapy steeped in loving presence and trust in the wisdom of your body and psyche.

Within a safe holding environment, you will be guided on a gentle inner journey via the body. Here we locate, release and repair the core, original hurts that have been causing the reoccurrence of your painful emotional states, moods, and life dilemmas.

This is a therapy that helps you out of repetitive thinking patterns and takes you into the deeper mysteries of your true nature. It is this deep connection with yourself that allows for healing and integration to happen.

Psychotherapy and Spirituality

The healing power of yogic practices such as yoga nidra and Buddhist practices of compassionate mindfulness are especially potent when combined with the most up to date psychotherapeutic  tools and understandings.

Good therapy can help us avoid the pitfalls of spiritual bypassing. 

I also believe that healing our pain from the past is integral to our spiritual realisation just as spiritual insight and self awareness are integral to our deepest healing.

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Understand why you feel, think and relate in ways that hurt.

It is hard to break painful patterns

But with Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy you don’t have to push through or force yourself to change.

There are many ways we try to fix our painful mental, emotional, relational and life patterns. For example, we keep ourselves busy, focus on fixing others or launch ourselves into a new fitness regime. Many of us use practices such as meditation and yoga to manage our inner turmoil. On the other side of that we might collapse in a heap and struggle to function in our life.

While immediately useful and understandable, these ways of coping can lead to the reoccurrence of the same painful circumstances and familiar experiences.  Life tends to keep triggering the same inner wounds until we are able to claim and integrate these parts of ourselves.

Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy and Counselling is gentle and trusts implicitly in the natural urge of your soul to want to know and experience itself as whole. There is no requirement for you to do more or push through anything. Although as you understand yourself more and heal hurt parts of yourself you can start to function with more ease, clarity and inspiration. You can make better choices, communicate better and trust yourself and life with more ease.

Our conditioned mind

From much personal experience and exploration, I know the habitual attempts we make at trying to change ourself or modify our experience run deep. When we trace back through our history we see that in fact our ability to rest in the fullness of our true nature became compromised very early in our life. From infancy into adulthood our body, heart and mind store the history of how we learned to be in the world.

Most of us in some ways have had to conceal and protect the light of our true nature in order to survive within the family and social system we were brought up in. As we modified our behaviour and personal expression to stay safe, ego structures developed which clustered around our child self. From a yogic perspective, these structures or parts are collectively called the conditioned mind. Over time we lose contact with our essential self and become more identified with our many different thinking parts.

Self understanding

In Mindful, Somatic Psychotherapy sessions, within the safe therapeutic container of acceptance, kindness and gentleness you are invited to go on an inner adventure to glean knowledge lying deep within our body, heart and mind. Attention is directed toward our moment to moment experience, guided by sensations in the body and the associated memories and thoughts that arise in the now.

When we explore our inner material in these delicate ways we begin to see the different parts of ourselves and how they relate to each other. We gain understanding about the repetitive ways our life keeps unfolding. We recognise how we have responded to situations, made choices and managed ourself through life. And while these strategies make sense given our earlier circumstances they may now no longer be relevant or useful or serving us in the best way possible.

Room for feelings

Sometimes in counselling we discover part of the problem has been we have been sitting on a well of big emotion like sadness, grief, fear or anger. There are so many ways we have learned to keep a lid on these feelings and when we do our felt sense of equilibrium is disturbed and we are unable to think clearly or act from our deepest intentions.

Within the attuned therapeutic environment healing happens when old trapped feelings and core beliefs are witnessed and released. This opens the way for experiencing our self as whole and complete which we then integrate in the body, heart and mind.

Healing magic

A beautiful magic happens when we follow our thread of present experience. The jewels of our being that lie dormant, protected and shielded from our regular view become illuminated.  We find the qualities of our essence here and available.

We realise nothing was in fact missing and we discover and realise our felt sense of wholeness. Parts of ourselves that have been exiled are given a voice and we gain wisdom and insight from these offerings.

With this therapeutic approach we can strengthen new thinking and feeling pathways more congruent with the essence of who we are  and where we want to go.

realise your essence

This potent approach can be helpful for resolving anxiety and depression, relationship difficulties, childhood issues, trauma and parenting dilemmas.

Also the feeling of being flat, stuck or wanting to gain clarity and a sense of purpose can be great places to start.

Physical pains and ailments that haven’t resolved with physical therapy can often have an emotional cause and therefore be aleviated once the core emotional material has been accessed and freed.

Contact Rebecca Richards

Book your $33 connection call (25 minute) intro session to find out more

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